Commission A One-Of-A-Kind Soul Painting By Renowned Mystical Artist ShivShera Azeer

Your Soul Is Asking You To Become An Enviable Piece Of Art Yourself

Transform Your Soul's Love for you into a Stunning Painting for Daily Inspiration

Did you know your soul loves to talk to you and guide you?

Your soul guides you in every moment and everyday but it hardly reaches you because of the madness your every day life is.

Welcome to my space where I get the privilege of seeing your soul, hearing its messages and being able to translate it on a canvas as a painting.

A painting that showcases your soul's love, blessings and positivity. You can tap into it everyday. You can see it everyday and strengthen your inner power. Get inspired and build an empowered life. Secret Soul Painting by me, ShivShera Azeer creates an atmosphere conducive for you to live in accordance with your purpose and highest human potential. 

And if you are an art appreciator or collector wouldn't it be a remarkable piece to add to your collection.

Why The Painting Acts Like A Yantra - an ancient device of divinity

I have been a seeker since my youth. I always wanted to break free from conformity to find the deeper meaning of life. I wanted to be of a greater use to myself and to the world I engage with. So even though  I did the ‘normal’ with my life like becoming an architect and a facilitator. I choose to never remain satisfied with the normal. I consciously choose to do my life differently. 

As a result of this inner thirst, and after many tribulations, I eventually met a match who can quench my inner thirst, my Guru UG, the Primordial Mother’s Mystic. A woman who transcends time and space. I have been in a spiritual intensive with UG since 7+ years. 

A very long story short, each soul portrait is a result of a deeply held spiritual process carried out in a consecrated space of love and clarity. A space held by my Guru and I, especially for you. 

Your soul painting envelopes you in your own raw beauty. Get ready to receive your own blessings every moment with the soul painting, a powerful enigmatic gateway of your potential for greatness.

Be Different. Stay Cool!

Yes, this is truly how powerful you are!

Created in the consecrated Energy Womb this painting exudes its powerful energies. It is like a map. A key to your own divinity.

The beauty of this soul painting is that your soul is the foundation of these magnetic energies. And your soul only contributes positive, life affirming transformative energies that are suitable to you for that time in your life.

Imagine receiving the blessings of the divine on a daily basis, only that now the divine also includes your own soul!

 You will have:

  • Alignment with your purpose
  • A connection with your soul's wisdom
  • In your own safe and powerful space
  • Return to your true self on a daily basis
  • Engage with an energy that is alive and life affirmative
  • Get reminded of your greatness everyday
  • Become empowered everyday
  • Be the owner of a unique only-of-its-kind of art piece
  • Become a piece of art yourself

P. S. My Guru UG enjoying a casual conversation on my work station. I have one of her simple soul painting behind me as a guiding support.

Choose Your ShivShera Soul Painting Model

Flags of Fortune 

Small - Power Packed - Affordable

Consecrated in the grace of my Guru, this is a step towards connecting to your soul. Choose the colours that speak to you, and this simple yet elegant painting will easily contribute the necessary positive vibrations needed by you. 

Flags Of Fortune works just as meditation or energy healing, which clear blockages and bring harmony.

A Flag of Fortune can help you connect with your own inner wisdom and healing abilities.

  • A great beginning, or kickstart for a seasoned seeker
  • Consciously kept affordable, so as to reach more willing receivers
  • Original artwork - art work that is unique to you.

Become part of a movement that connects art with purpose. Your own divine purpose. Your highest potential. 

Shop Art

The Secret Soul Portrait

Bold - Life Changing - Magnanimous 

Created in the consecrated Energy Womb of my spiritual Guru, this painting acts like a yantra exuding its powerful energies. 

The beauty of this yantra is that your soul is the foundation of these magnetic energies. And your soul only contributes positive, life affirming transformative energies that are suitable to you.

You’ll receive:

  • 5' x 3' Soul Painting on canvas
  • 7 messages your soul wishes to communicate to you
  • Guidance on where to hang it, how to take care of it, and how to receive its blessings. 

Take the bold decision. Surrender to your own divinity.

Coming Soon

The 'Art of Letting Go' Workshop

Cathartic Art Workshop for Self Healing 

Fun Healing - Recharging - impactful

Cathartic Art is an easy, fun and very effective tool in your healing journey. In this 60 minute session I will guide you through a special process with canvas and paints. It can be done individually or in intimate groups. You will feel lighter, relaxed and receive a positive message your soul wishes to give you at this point in your life.


  • Without being an artist, feel the benefits & enjoy the relaxation.
  • Release pent up energy.
  • Experience the beauty of your soul/Create a beautiful memento of your soul.

A fundamental workshop that leaves you lighter, happier and more grateful. Come, lets play!

Connect with me

Heart Counselling 101 with ShivShera

Safe - Effective - Affordable

I create a space for you to feel held, heard and safe. I will guide you at your own pace of learning and depth to find the answers yourself. Therefore empowering you, to be the creator of your own life.

I works with my mentors brand of ‘practical spirituality’ where will you eventually learn to look at all your shit and glory and learn to recognise how you (the conditioned you) is just a smaller version of the bigger you (soul) and how we can bridge that gap. And how it will affect your life on a practical level.

In this session, you will:

  • You will feel received and heard
  • You will feel heard and held
  • You will feel safe and relaxed

In the general chaos that surrounds us in life, one must be humble enough to accept a guiding hand. This is that chance. Don’t miss out. 

Connect with me
  • Thank you ShivShera Azeer for this divine experience! - Nimisha

    "Drawing on inner beauty to create a soul painting!

    Watching ShivShera Azeer work was a fascinating experience by itself. So immersed was he in his art that even if the Earth shook he wouldn’t have felt it!

    I guess this is what it means to be in the moment.

    He was drawing on a force greater than himself to connect with his subject. Thus channeling his creativity onto his canvas.

    The result was spectacular!

    Each dot, line, stroke, form and colour emerged from him with conviction and beauty, which he obviously saw in the person in front of him.

    Sitting across from him, I began feeling blissful and beautiful for no apparent reason.

    On completion he described the qualities he had seen in me with surprising accuracy.

    We all are gloriously beautiful from within. Sometimes we need someone to show it to us or rather draw it out from us!"

  • Loads of love, keep rocking dude - Vinod

    "The first impression in my mind – I am meeting a genuine ethnic guy who is on a path of spiritual awakening. Your calm demeanour and facilitation skills were just amazing and out of the world. You have the knack of allowing people to emote and allow them to be themselves and feel accepted."

  • It was an absolutely beautiful experience to have - Rachita

    "I never thought that colours could affect the subconscious to such levels. The whole process of getting a soul portrait was emotionally very enhancing.

    It was a roller coaster ride where every brush stroke, every colour evoked a different emotion and various strings of memory in my head that had absolutely no connection with each other.

    It was more of a healing process for me where the unwanted comes out and what remans is a feeling of pure bliss. It brought me to a state of tremendous happiness though at times it did feel like ShivShera Azeer was reading my mind.

    Even looking at the painting every day for a few minutes brought about internal changes in myself in subtle yet effective ways. I became more positive as a person and also more comfortable and confident in my own skin.

    It was more of a spiritual journey for me where it was an aid for me to exist at a higher frequency than that I was already at which brought about positive changes in my life internally as well as externally."

  • Because you You let me be Me - Thanks, Rasika

    "There was a search going on, my soul was trying to figure out answers. I knew I was very near, but still wasn’t getting the missing jigsaw piece. Today I realised what I wanted and what my calling was. This is a beautiful moment and I am glad I met a beautiful soul like you."

  • Nimesh K

    "You are the "Guru". Whatever you teach reaches out to me always."

  • Priyal K

    "You are excellent in your job. If a student will get a teacher like you will not get any difficulties in their life ever."

  • Thank you very much - Sujata Y

    "The one thing I want to tell you is that you are the most inspiring person I have ever met. We can call you a great Guru (Guru means a lot in my life who gives us knowledge of all happiness) You are a great personality and have an inspiring way of talking."

Namaste, I'm ShivShera Azeer

I was that awkward kid, good at my studies but unable to handle life in all its glory. Excited and multi talented but for most of my youth, I struggled to express myself in a way that this world would understand.

I trained as an architect and have co-founded one of India's top bio-architecture firms. I was not satisfied with the unwritten rules enforced by society, or by how success or wealth was defined.

I went on a seekers pilgrimage - traveling, working with my hands, experimenting with money, all the while holding the burning question ‘Who am I?’

Through my journey I have experienced both betrayal, depression and joyous trust.

I’ve been cheated by a fake guru, and yet that did not deter my personal quest for the truth. Destiny intervened and brought me home to not only my Guru but also my eternal love in the same woman!

Having found my purpose, I have been living a dual life of shagird (student) and aashiq (eternal lover).
I have been in a mentoring intensive since 7 years sharpening and honing my intuitive perception and artistic skills as well.

Now I combine the 2 things I am built of for - Art & Spirituality (painting and healing.)

I believe in a world where people surrender to their own highest beauty. A world where we function from our highest potential.